About Me

In the role of an author

Richard is an internationally acclaimed business executive who brings a unique and innovative blend of experience and background to the spiritual world. He has been an administrator and faculty member at two state universities; a dean; administrator responsible for services to 50,000 senior citizens; a minister, therapist, and healer; an executive responsible for organization change, management development, succession planning, and economic turn arounds at the 50th and 200th largest corporations in the world; as well as being a CEO with several highly diverse businesses including his own. He has successfully reinvented himself within 7 different careers.

My goal is to help you learn how to became more self-confident, happier, healthier, more abundant, involved in creating increasingly loving relationships, and being more self-aware than you have ever imagined possible.

Dr. Feller holds an MA, MBA, and Ph.D. Numerous post-graduate degrees/certifications augment his background including economics, value engineering, marketing, real estate, psychology, and the ministry.  He has been highly spiritual since he was a teenager.

Dr. Feller is a business visionary and business strategist. He is comfortable working with various cultures and nationalities since he has worked in twelve different countries in his career.

He lives in the Washington, D.C. area and the Turks and Caicos with his wife Susan.