Fearless Wisdom is based on the powerful principles Dr. Feller has learned and applied from his spiritual, metaphysical, business, administrative, and educational background in seven different careers in twelve different countries. He knows, from personal experience that these principles work, and he believes it is now time to share this wisdom. The book is focused on learning what fear is, where it came from, how it paralyzes and enslaves us; together with the importance of dislodging and releasing it; so you can learn how to take full advantage of all the strengths and skills you possess but which at the moment have likely been masked or hidden by your fears.
The book is transformative in that it will answer universal questions you may have thought, but likely not had previously answered. In the process, you will discover how special you are, how to reclaim your power, and your uniqueness. You will also learn how to use your new knowledge to transform yourself into becoming a more confident decision-maker, gentler with your new strengths, happier, healthier, with more loving relationships, and increased abundance. The knowledge you will acquire will apply within a work setting, your personal relationships, or with your family . In other words, the learnings are universal in nature.
Filled with personal examples, Fearless Wisdom is a fun read, easy to understand, and to apply. It will also serve as a springboard to view the world from a different set of lenses that you have likely ever previously considered.
The book includes three ancient, previously hidden secret keys to releasing fear which had not previously been available until recently revealed through spiritual inspiration. . A truly cutting-edge, transformative, book..
The website will provide you with additional knowledge about the author and the powerful principles he uses in his daily living which are included in the Fearless Wisdom book.
Pat McL –
Richard Feller is a unique human being. He has had different careers, is highly educated as well as a practical and sensitive person. In this first of three books he tackles a deep cause of stress and a sub-optimized life — fear. He looks at it through the lens of his own deep experience with mystical as well as scientific forces and knowledge. And, he shares broadly about his own struggles and triumphs. Looked at from a businessperson’s perspective (he has sat at the helm of engineering companies and currently runs a green home building group) his interest in the supernatural and well as the scientific is somewhat jarring — but entirely understandable. We deal with many mysteries of life and the universe, so in exploring how to move beyond fear, we reach for all sources of support.
Amazon Customer –
With this book, Dr. Feller has exposed the lay of the land a little bit. I think no matter what you know or what you think you know, it always surprises you when your thought process has been stimulated. The author has purged some demons here and demonstrates that love, faith and fear live in all of us.
Kindle Customer –
This book Is marvelous. I have been metaphysical my whole life and I have never seen such a complete spiritual experience with such complete knowledge of our current earth experience!!! Thank you Dr Richard for sharing your knowledge with us. I will endeavor to put it to good use.
Anthony G.
editorjeff –
This book, when seriously taken to heart, will transform your character and your life story.
Jeff M.
Scott B. Allan –
Fearless Wisdom is based on the powerful principles Dr. Feller has learned and applied from his spiritual, metaphysical, business, administrative, and educational background in seven different careers in twelve different countries.
The book is transformative in that it will answer universal questions you may have thought, but likely not had previously answered. In the process, you will discover how special you are, how to reclaim your power, and your uniqueness. You will also learn how to use your new knowledge to transform yourself into becoming a more confident decision-maker.
Filled with personal examples, Fearless Wisdom is a fun read, easy to understand, and to apply. It will also serve as a springboard to view the world from a different set of lenses that you have likely ever previously considered.
A definite recommended read!
Shane Cragun –
Mr Feller tackles a topic that is rarely discussed: the notion of fear and how it holds each of us back from our full potential and eternal progression. I was amazed at the myriad gold nuggets sprinkled throughout the book. They are everywhere. I found the practical exercises helpful (series of questions throughout the book). And the prose is clear and actionable. Look forward to book 2!
Jim –
Once in a while, one reads a book of this nature and feels that the author has reached into his or her mind, heart and soul and written as if the book was specifically directed at him. As this book seemed for me. It simply hits home! I can hardly wait to start reading the second book to see where Dr. Feller leads me. A powerful message, a must read.
Edward Caulfield –
For the life of me, I cannot fathom why anyone would consider this book anything more than drivel. It starts out with completely false statements about the state of the world and then goes on to absolutism after absolutism.
This book is really no different than religious dogma. One must believe, then it will be true. Faith is more important than fact.
Gawd, what a waste of money that was.